When you’re considering a career as a trucker, you may find that getting the information you need to start can be difficult. While there are many, many people who have made a successful and rewarding career out of trucking, there are many more memorable stories of truckers who have quit. Trucking can be an incredibly dangerous and challenging job, and if you walk into it unprepared, you are very likely to find yourself overwhelmed. With that in mind, we’ve put together some of the most commonly made mistakes and how to avoid them.
Archive for May, 2019
Mistakes to Avoid for the Rookie Truck Driver
Monday, May 27th, 20193 Perks of a Career as a Trucker
Monday, May 20th, 2019
There are several benefits to having a career as a truck driver, and here are three of the main perks.
If you are new to trucking or have been thinking about starting a truck driving career for some time, then it is a great choice. There are several benefits to having a career as a truck driver, and here are three of the main perks.
Do This Before Buying A Used Truck
Monday, May 13th, 2019
Make sure that you get a truck that is in good condition.
Purchasing a truck can be a tough decision, and if you chose to look for a used one, then you want to make sure that you get the best quality that you can. Buying a used truck is a great investment as long as you make sure that you don’t get ripped off. So to make sure that you get a truck that is in good condition, here are a few things that you can do.
How to Handle Road Rage
Monday, May 6th, 2019Some might say that we live in a tense and angry world these days. Whether or not you agree, it’s more than likely that you have seen that come out in angry drivers on the highway. One car goes too fast or too slow or turns an unexpected way, and there’s honking and swearing. But the trick with road rage is that it’s a mind game. If you know how to avoid getting sucked in, then you’ll enjoy a much more peaceful time on the road.